Category: Technology
My Must have add-ons list for Browsers
Wish you all a very Prosperous Happy New Year, There are a couple of resolutions on My plate for this year. More writing is one of them. Every new day starts with Browser, So starting this year first blog post regarding Browsers. Its often asked what’s your favourite browser. I prefer to use Chrome and…
[Fix][EasyEngine] Downloading WordPress [Fail] Oops Something went wrong !!
If you are the EasyEngine user, and facing Downloading WordPress [Fail] Error on creating a new website, then here is the reasoning and quick fix to solve the issue. Here is the blog post on the official EasyEngine blog about how to fix it and the causes for same. While official post recommends using the nightly…
WordCamp Bhopal – WWWP5k And ViaLux
This Weekend had many things happening around. WordCamp Bhopal and ViaLux Anomaly in Mumbai were on the same day 24th Sept 2016. I was supporting offline to my team in my Second Ingress Anomaly. The result is here Mumbai is Blue. For detail, here’s the Mumbai scorecard. WordCamp Bhopal was my first WordCamp in Central…
Recovering MySQL or MariaDB from .frm File
This happened to me today, I found old project codes without SQL dump. Just want to check if project is still reusable. Following are the two ways you can recover database schema from FRM file. Using mysqlfrm utility by oracle This is pretty handy command line utility from MySQL Team. Check out the official Documentation.…
Create Hotspot with Broadcom bcm43224 [bcm43xx] on ElementaryOS Freya
Its Pretty easy to create Hotspot in Ubuntu and Ubuntu based distributions. Following This article will help you easily create Hotspot you are Lucky if you are done in first run. But if you found “AP Mode Not Supported” Message. you need to dig-in like me. its driver issue. all you need to hunt…
Elementary OS 0.3 Freya on my Dell Studio 1558
I’m not writing a review of an OS, just my experiences. Friday Evening Studio’s Hard-disk Crashed 🙁 With New hard-disk I decided to tryout a New OS – Elementary OS Freya 0.3 Launched Last week. Freya is pretty impressive. It is based on Ubuntu 14.04. so the awesomeness is carried. (at least I thought while…
Dell Studio 1558 Cleanup
There was Hailstorm in Nagpur last week. Yes Snow on equator sounds crazy. But it did after 20 years. Thanks for the Photo Nadya On that day my laptop served as heater on my desk. Up to July 2014, I enjoyed Dells Support and Service Extended warranty for last three years. This is I’ve no…
Xiaomi Mi4 – Giveaway at TechZoom
Encountered with Tushar’s Facebook Status Update about Xiaomi Mi4 Giveaway Its time to change Lumnia, Following are some options I’m Looking into : Xiaomi MI4, OnePlus One and Asus Zenphone 2 All three comes in same price range of 20,000 – 22,000 INR. Zenphone has dual sim and octa core processor with 4 GB RAM.…
WordCamp Baroda 2013
It’s been more than four years I’ve been using, communicating & contributing to WordPress Blogging Community. Last Month Rohit from Blogsolute asked me to join WCBaroda. I didn’t waste time to plan my visit for Baroda – a Beautiful city located in Gujarat. It was excellent to meet them personally after having long time communication…