Tag: Google
Google Ads on Twittad
This is some thing strange when i observed Twittad . Twittad is a Advertising Agency where User over Twitter sells an Advertising space on his twitter profile page. and Advertiser buys an advertising space for whatever amount. Idea is not really bad. Social Site like Twitter allowing this is really great !! Twittad is working…
Google in CLI
Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche. Real Programmers Don’t Write Pascal Real Computer Users don’t use WIMP interfaces (that’s WIndows, Mouse, Pointers for the uninitiated). So, a command-line interface to Google is a must! So Goosh is there !! Google shell with tab completion and history. I wish it gave more options, though, to set preferences…
Ten Glorious Years for Google
Google Inc, was founded on 7th sept 1998. 10 years have been passed. Good luck for there future. Read this entry further along with Chetan……
More on Chrome
Google launched Chrome Day before yesterday, Looks are fine, Gears make the Speed great yet this is week 1 of chrome in Market so many more things are yet to come. currently no long list of feature is present but whatever is there is nice. first thing what i tried on chrome was about:config ,General…
Google Chrome : NEW OPEN SOURCE browser
At last Google entered the Open source market, its Beta Launch today yet to launch. Google Chrome is Google’s open source browser with little components from Apple’s WebKit and Mozilla’s Firefox. this browser will also include JavaScript Virtual Machine called V8 to gear up the performance . The browser has an address bar with auto-completion…
Google Digg Deal explained ??
My Previous post Google walk away from Digg deal, my question was there till today morning. why Google is interested in Digg ?? Digg has nothing but lots of members and lots of impression( may be half or less that googles search engine main page hits). here’s what my mind concluded : In Feb, Yahoo…
Google Walks Away From Digg Deal
I don’t know when google Offer 200 Million dollar to Digg. I am not Steve Jobs or Bill Gates to know these deals. I found over TechCrunch. Frankly A website like Digg has no real benefit to a company like Google. Digg is more of a comedy website than a news website and the only…
Google’s Q1 (2008) PageRank Update Beginned !!
Day before yesterday Google Exploded another bomb over Web-masters, Since last few month Minor Page Rank update was going on. here’s a big one Now. Matt Cutts Announced that new toolbar PageRank values should become visible over the next few days. I’m expecting that also in the next few days that we’ll be expiring some…