Category: Web2.0

  • Nagpur PHP Meetup – Developing Facebook Application

    In Last Nagpur’s PHP User group meetup, Me and Chetan presented Facebook application development – basic introduction. Main motive was to introduce User group with Development environment, FBML, FQL , FJS and Library. Just check out following presentation Also had a small app – Nagpur PHP meet Test App presented live, small Application code can…

  • Reviews Guru’s

    Reviews Guru’s – An appreciative effort from Keenways Solution, Allowing End users to participate in Reviewing a service. Currently they are yet to launch in full blown mode, currently They are having Web Hosting reviews. This section has complete guides of various hosting aspects. You may call this another post to my “Web Hosting Series“.…

  • I’m Fitehal !!

    I know i’m fitiyal (Slang used for Fitehal in Central India, Precisely in Nagpur – my home town). Just updated my Twitter ID to Fitehal from Deshabhishek007. From now onwards you can Tweet me @Fitehal

  • Backtweets – Reverse Link Search on Twitter

    Backtweets – Lets you search your link on twitter, helping you to find who else is helping directly / indirectly promoting your blog. Get connected to your Blog readers. Lovely tool for reverse look-up. You can also try out Backtweets – Firefox Search Addon for ease of use !!

  • VERTOR – Verified Torrents

    This is a regular story: You search for some stuff over Mininova or any other torrents search engine. You find a torrent and add it to your torrent client because it was having a good number of seeders as shown on search. But to your dismay(and disbelief) you hardly get a single seeder. It is…

  • Using Craiglist for Promotions

    This week I’m free to write on promotions, Orkut promote is quite a good feature, I’m still testing, my test campaign has got around 200+ views within 4 days. will update here the test result soon. Orkut promotion is new strategy for promotions but you should never neglect the Basic promotional strategies – Classifieds are…

  • Orkut Promote – To promote Google Ads

    Orkut still being in Top in Indian (internet) social Networking market. Social media marketers using Orkut widely for domestic products promotion. Months back Orkut introduce a promote feature. Official release post on blog had a great video guide (can be seen below). This is a good feature very much similar to twitter or facebook time-line,…

  • IE6 Must Die

    IE6 is the road block of coming HTML5 – web future.  Join the Twitter Campaign to say Go Home IE6. Every one know its hard to say bye to IE6 but this campaign will surely let peoples, media’s and outdated Managers in  IT firms know about this roadblock. Image Credit : John Martz

  • Naked day 2009

    Yep my blog is celebrating Naked day 2009. In the spirit of promoting Web Standards along with good semantic markup and proper hierarchy structures.Today 9th April 2009 is not using CSS at all. Happy Naked Day to all. Thanks to Binny for Telling About it.

  • Adsense users update your site privacy policy

    This is solely for adsense publishers, everyone knows google and Doubleclick has some ventures. so here are the changes for Adsense publishers in their privacy policy. Its all about the Cookies set by the Double click ads to the visitors. All you have to mention is that Google is third party vendor of your site…