Is your account Compromised in Data Breach?

For the past few years, we are listening about the data breach in various tech giants. What does it mean for you? If you are using the services of those tech giants, it means some or all of the following data might be at risk.

Names, Dates of birth, Email addresses, Employers, Genders, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Job titles, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Job titles, Social media profiles data

You might receive Ransom emails for your data too. Just Don’t Panic. Breaches are bad for Companies as well as users. But you know what information is available on the tech Giants Disposal. That data is already public done by you for your Network which can anyway go into Telecaller’s database. So don’t panic, instead, focus what damage can happen to you.

So how do you check if your email id is compromised?
Just head to, enter your email id, and it will check your data in the database for Recent Breaches. Like my office ID was leaked in Linkedin’s Breach. I know what data I’ve Published on Linked. So Nothing to panic, all I have some spam routing to my mailbox every another day. The only thing to do is to change password, Enable Two-factor Authentications and Ignore all spam emails.

Happy Internet Life to you 🙂


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