#WPmeta is weekly twitter chat that takes place every Monday. Each week we will discuss different topics of WordPress.
We are having Open Mic tonight (17th August 2015), its first #WPMeta chat. See you tonight at
7.30 PM Monday – IST
2:00 PM Monday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
10:00 AM Monday – Eastern Time (ET)
9:00 AM Monday, Central Time (CT)
for OPEN MIC !
** By ‘Open Mic’, it means there is NO set topic of discussion, Everyone is free to discuss whatever they want to, as long as it is related to WordPress.
Golden Rule – Be good with everyone.
How to Join:
If you are new to Twitter Chats and not sure how to join in, simply log onto Tweetchat.com or any of your favorite twitter client and use the hashtag #WPMeta. You can then follow the flow of the conversation. Tweet me@fitehal w/ any questions about our chat, if any!